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Data Planning

Secret Escapes will pass consumer data via webhooks to allow us to send communications and personalise landing experience.

Please provide examples of booking data available for each booking type (hotel, packages etc.) so we can define exact data requirements


We generally set up three endpoints for each partner for the following events:




Booking Create

When the consumer creates a new booking

Scheduling marketing and personalising UX

Booking Update

When the consumer updates any information on an existing booking

Ensure we do not personalise experience based on stale data

Booking Cancel

When the consumer cancels a booking

Ensure that we do not send any marketing when trip has been cancelled

Please send a Post Request with booking data in any JSON format to webhook in real-time to avoid us missing last minute trips or marketing to users that have cancelled or changed their plans.


We do not require any authentication to our webhook endpoints, making them extremely easy to integrate with. We generate unique non-guessable endpoint urls for each of our partners which, if treated as secrets, are secure by “security through obscurity”.

We will send an email directly to your engineering team with a link to your webhook URLs. That link expires in 7 days and can only be used once.

Data points

Holibob’s Webhook documentation.

Please refer to Holibob’s Webhook documentation for a comprehensive list of acceptable data points and their formats.

When setting up webhooks, it is essential to follow this documentation.

If there is a data point not included in the documentation that you would like to transmit, please discuss it with us, and we can add it.

Below is a list of the minimum required data for our project:

Data points needed on our side



Field name

Passed to Braze


First name

needed to personalise WA messages



Consumer Unique ID

to identify consumers in case of changes



Mobile number

needed to message consumers via WA



total # of people in the trip

needed to personalise curations and shelves

TBC if available in SE’s database



# of children in the trip

needed to personalise curations and shelves

TBC if available in SE’s database



# of infants in the trip

needed to personalise curations and shelves

TBC if available in SE’s database




SE’s link for the consumer to view their booking. This is often a link to a “manage my booking page”

needed to personalise WA messages

TBC if available in SE’s database - this is not required per se but highly suggested (e.g., consumers can quickly access the details of their holiday, itinerary etc.)



The partner's unique reference of the consumer's trip and or booking

for cross-referencing



Trip - Flight - Arrival

The day consumers are flying/checking in

needed to trigger the sending of WA messages



The destination of their outbound flight

needed to personalise WA messages

if hotel + flight package

TBC if available in SE’s database



The flight number of their outbound journey

needed to personalise WA messages

if hotel + flight package

TBC if available in SE’s database



The airport code of their outbound journey

needed to personalise WA messages

if hotel + flight package

TBC if available in SE’s database



Trip - Flight - Return/departure

The day consumers are flying back/checking out

needed to trigger the sending of WA messages



The destination of their return flight

needed to personalise WA messages

if hotel + flight package

TBC if available in SE’s database



The flight number of their return journey

needed to personalise WA messages

if hotel + flight package

TBC if available in SE’s database



The airport code of their return journey

needed to personalise WA messages

if hotel + flight package

TBC if available in SE’s database



Trip - Accommodation

The city where the accommodation is

needed to personalise WA messages and to segment audience

Product will create this field on our side - needed as the destination city name of the flight might not match the accommodation city name (e.g., consumers are landing in Pisa but their accommodation is in Florence)



The name of the hotel accommodation

needed to personalise WA messages



The address of the hotel accommodation

needed to personalise curations and shelves


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